‘What’s the Buzz?’ Volume 2

28 April 2018


Florian Zeller’s new play, The Height of the Storm, comes to London this autumn; Zeller wrote critically acclaimed The Father, with its evocatively scrambled soundtrack and deeply sensitive insights. The Guardian called Zeller ‘the most exciting playwright of our time’. Look for details and booking on www.tlcmembers.org in the next few weeks. Just as the last time, Zeller’s work is translated by the incomparable Christopher Hampton.


Look out for Season 2 of the The Handmaid’s Tale, which is to air in May, on Channel 4. Based on Margaret Attwood’s novel, Season 1 was a huge critical success, winning numerous awards. Elizabeth Moss reprises her role as Offred.


London Nights appears at the Museum of London from May to November. It will reveal our city after dark through photographs from the late 19th century to the present. Lumière London, in January, let us explore London outside in the dark (and it was really fascinating): this exhibition fuses all manner of Image (film and still, portrait and documentary) to see London from a new angle.


The pre-Oscars feast has been followed by a post-Oscar famine at the cinema. But if you missed A Quiet Place do try and catch up with it. Starring Emily Blunt (soon to appear as Mary Poppins) and her real life husband, John Krasinski (who also directed and co-wrote the film). Universally well reviewed, one critic said: ‘A Quiet Place is an extraordinary piece of work. Terrific acting, but the main thing is the SILENCE’.

The opinions in Maria Says are Maria’s (with some input from Julian). There is no intention to offend or to suggest that other views might not work just as well for others – we live by learning. However we steer away from politics, religion and intolerance. Also, we do not receive any reward for recommendations; we decided years ago to remain independent and not carry advertising or promote places, goods or services because we are paid to do so and we shall stick to that.